Tuesday, September 13, 2011


For the last several months our family has been attending a wonderful church. If you are in the St. Louis/St. Charles area and are looking for a church we would love to have you!

Just the other day I told my husband, "you know what the annoying thing about Element Church is?" He looked a little shocked but asked "what?". And I replied, "That after a service I can never just go home and keep doing what I was doing. Every week I am presented with something that I have to change or implement in my life or a realization about something that changes the way I think about everything!" I have never been so encougaged to be a "doer of the Word" and it has been awesome.

Several months ago I shared that I felt a call to blog but I wasn't exactly sure of the details. Well, pretty much as soon as I said that my mind was a BLANK! I had no idea what I was supposed to write about! And my very exciting news is... I still don't! But, our pastor said something that really made me think about my approach. He was not talking about blogging obviously but what he basically said was, it is easier to direct a moving car than one that is sitting parked.

So, I realized that I need to just keep blogging and hopefully then, while obeying and moving forward I will get the direction I have been waiting for! So, there might be a new blog down the road or maybe this one will take a different direction... we will see!

So, Lord willing, you will start to see me post on here a lot more often like I used to! Thanks for sticking around!

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