Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Resolution Ceremony

So have you all seen the movie Corageous yet? Oh my goodness it was so good. I laughed, I cried, and everything in between. Well, our awesome pastor saw the movie too and thought it was so good he decided to rent out the whole theater for the men in our church to view the movie. Our church then decided to have a Resolution Ceremony like the one seen in the movie where the husbands commit to be men of God and leaders of their families.  It was an amazing event. Of course our kids acted up the entire time and Nick and I both felt our patience wearing thin. But, at the end of it I was so happy we chose to participate. Nick is already a commited husband and father and in the ceremony he didn't promise anything that he wasn't already trying to do. But, it was still so meaningful to participate in a ceremony as a family and see Nick publicly promise to be the man and father that God has called him to be. I am so thankful we go to a church that truly wants to see lives changed and to see men step up and lead their families. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity that was given to our family today.

And if you haven't heard of Corageous here is the movie trailer. Go see it!

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