Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Where did January go?

Can y'all believe it is February? I still can't get over it. January has just flown by.

 But, I always welcome February because that is when my birthday is! Yep! I am a Valentine's Baby! And what is even crazier... so is my mom. I was born on her birthday! It was always so fun growing up... for me... she had to spend her birthday at Chuck E. Cheese...

I finally uploaded a bunch of pictures from my iPod touch to my computer (secret: I don't have an iPhone... I don't have a smart phone at all. My thrifty husband refuses to pay for a data plan. But, I can use my iPod for all of the apps so I still look like I am with it.). Do any of you use Instagram? It is my favorite! Here are some of my recent pics:
I hope everyone is having a happy Tuesday!

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